Junior Champions Program

This program boasts some of the best junior players in the country. Over the course of 20+ years of coaching, Elite Golf Schools has seen over 50 students earn spots on college teams, students have won AJGA, FCWT, FCG, and Hurricane Tour events, qualified for USGA events, earned medalist honors in numerous state’s major championships, and won team and individual state high school championships. If you yearn for greatness, this program will provide you with the tools to earn that right.

About the program

This program was designed for individuals who are committed to becoming the best. The curriculum offers a coaching program that is tailored specifically to each individual. Each player’s curriculum is designed to provide the tools needed to perform at the highest level.

The program takes a very holistic look at each player with one goal in mind: WINNING! Players in this program are trained in all areas of the game (physical, mental, on-course training, etc.) to constantly and consistently improve. Contact us to set up a consultation with our team.


To become a true champion, all aspects of the game must be learned. Developing technique that holds up under pressure, understanding how to get the most out of a practice schedule, creating correct strategies throughout a round of golf, and so much more must be implemented in order to play constant, high-level golf. In this program, players will receive a totally customized plan to become a competitor and get the most out of their game in the short and long-term.
Bottom line, these players learn how to win golf tournaments. The culture that we create as a family is one of competitiveness. Part of the enjoyment of this game is understanding that we can always be better. Striving to become a more improved version of yourself is a powerful motivator and will take these individuals to great heights in golf and in life.

If these are qualities that you are looking for in a coach and a golf program, Elite Golf may be the right home for you. For more information on the program and to set up a complimentary consultation, please contact us.

Junior Academy Options

Junior Champions Program


Junior Champions


Junior Champions

Open Gym

Junior Champions

What's Included

$ 325


$ 575


$ 699


Personalized Practice Plans
Certified Physical Trainers
Sports Psychologists
Tournament Scheduling & Prep
College Recruitment Packages
Swing Video Analysis
Flightscope & Training Aids


Junior Champions
$ 325 Monthly
  • Personalized Practice Plans
  • Adidas Sportswear Discounts
  • Certified Physical Trainers
  • TrueSpec Club Fitting
  • Sports Psychologists
  • Playing Professional Guest Speakers
  • Tournament Scheduling & Prep
  • College Recruitment Packages
  • Swing Video Analysis
  • Flightscope & Training Aids
  • Indoor Training Facility


Junior Champions
$ 575 Monthly
  • Personalized Practice Plans
  • Adidas Sportswear Discounts
  • Certified Physical Trainers
  • TrueSpec Club Fitting
  • Sports Psychologists
  • Playing Professional Guest Speakers
  • Tournament Scheduling & Prep
  • College Recruitment Packages
  • Swing Video Analysis
  • Flightscope & Training Aids
  • Indoor Training Facility

Open Gym

Junior Champions
$ 699 Monthly
  • Personalized Practice Plans
  • Adidas Sportswear Discounts
  • Certified Physical Trainers
  • TrueSpec Club Fitting
  • Sports Psychologists
  • Playing Professional Guest Speakers
  • Tournament Scheduling & Prep
  • College Recruitment Packages
  • Swing Video Analysis
  • Flightscope & Training Aids
  • Indoor Training Facility

What We Do

Meet Elite Golf Team

Our coaches are trained to provide you with the tools needed to improve. To find out more about our junior programs at Elite Golf, please contact us. 

Riley Andrews

As the Owner of EGS, Riley constantly works with the coaches of EGS to better improve each students’ understanding of [...]

Tyler Parsloe, PGA

As the Director of Coaching, Tyler has dedicated his career towards helping students achieve their goals and elevate his staff’s [...]

Jackson Wherry

Jackson has an extensive background in coaching and rotational sport movement. His ability to relate to the student is quite [...]

James Beasley

Originally from Houston TX, James has been involved with the game of golf for over 25 years. He played golf [...]

Emily Leines

Emily works with our clients who are in need of physical movement enhancements. Her ability to increase students’ speed, mobility, [...]

Riley Andrews

Movement Specialist

As the Owner of EGS, Riley constantly works with the coaches of EGS to better improve each students’ understanding of the effective systems needed to shoot lower scores and improve.

Tyler Parsloe

Performance Coach

As the Director of Coaching, Tyler has dedicated his career towards helping students achieve their goals and elevate his staff’s standards to coach at the highest level.

Doug Wherry

The OG

Doug has been at the forefront of training golf for the past three decades. His innovative approach to simplifying golf’s complexities has helped to produce some of the finest golf talent in the U.S.

TJ Kathrineberg

Strategy and DECADE Specialist

TJ Kathrineberg believes golf to be the purest form of competition there is. Never are we directly competing with other individuals, but rather with ourselves and nature.

Jackson Wherry

Assistant Coach

Jackson has an extensive background in coaching and rotational sport movement. His ability to relate to the student is quite extroardinary and because if this skill he is able to help players improve their game immediately.

Mike Morong

Assistant Coach

Mike’s passion for the game of golf exudes from him. Mike has a hunger for learning and improving his own game and this calm tenacity for improvement is infectious. He will stop at nothing in order to improve his student’s games.

Luke Bracke

Movement Specialist

Luke is obsessed with elite-level movement which ensures athletic durability. He pairs this with efficient movement patterns that optimize the player’s impact pattern, both in overall speed and precision.

James Beasley

College Recruiting Specialist

Originally from Houston TX, James has been involved with the game of golf for over 25 years. He played golf competitively in high school in Houston Texas. Where is his High school team won two state championships.

Emily Leines

Lead Physical Trainer

Emily works with our clients who are in need of physical movement enhancements. Her ability to increase students’ speed, mobility, explosiveness, and overall health is vital to our student’s success.

Elite Golf

Program Qualifications

(time includes weekly coaching times, individual practice, workouts, tournaments, etc.)

Do you have what it takes?

Junior Champions is an advanced Elite Golf Schools of Arizona program created for junior golfers committed to becoming high-level collegiate-level players. This program is an intensive program overseen by Director of Coaching, Tyler Parsloe.

What Our Clients Say...

Online Academy

Want to better understand your golf game? X Factor and Elite Golf are here to help! This online program comes fully loaded and includes:

  • Unlimited Access to 400+ Video Lessons
  • Full Access to Masterclass Series
  • Taught by Riley Andrews and Elite Certified Coaches
  • Full Swing, Putting, and Short Game Deep Dives
  • Mindset & Course Management Courses
  • Loaded with Drills and Instructor Breakdowns

Fill Out the Form Below to Schedule Your Complimentary First Session

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Adult Program

Junior Program

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Choose Your Coach Below.

Riley Andrews

Tyler Parsloe, PGA

Jackson Wherry

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